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Bully Pulpit

The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.

Monday, May 02, 2005

RE: Laura leaves 'em laughing, gasping

Steve Brenneis opines:

I have two problems with this whole event.

First, Mrs. Bush's comments bordered on raunchy on more than one occasion. I'm not going to be such a blue-nose that I won't say they were humorous, but I think they were definitely in poor taste. I also think she used poor judgment in selecting a venue for her stand-up comedy debut.

Second, the hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle over this is sickening. Democrats, who seem to find ways to rationalize all sorts of abominable behavior, are stopping just short of labeling Mrs. Bush a degenerate. Republicans, who would have descended on Hillary Clinton or Rosalynn Carter like angry hornets, are oddly quiet just now.

In any case, this ranks right up there on the dumb scale with the Bush twins' performance at the GOP convention. George's family isn't anywhere near as cute as he thinks they are.


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