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Bully Pulpit

The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Che Guevara RIP

October 9, 2007, marked the 40th anniversary of Che Guevara's death. The predictable outlets are gushing forth with the predictable tributes. From Reuters to the AP and from the Los Angeles Times to MSNBC, you will search these "news stories" in vain for any mention of the fully documented details of Che's capture and death. The sources for these "gallant crusaders for the truth" (as Columbia School of Journalism heralds its graduates) were--as usual--the propaganda ministers of a Stalinist regime.

"Don't Shoot! I'm Che! I'm worth to you more alive than dead!" This sniveling shout was heard by the (2) Bolivian soldiers when they confronted Che and his guerrilla charge Willi. Che immediately dropped his fully loaded weapons and started his whimpering.(That's two Bolivian soldiers against two armed guerrillas, by the way.) The Bolivian commanders duly documented these details in the official reports of their anti-guerrilla campaign. These records, the MSM -- from Madrid to Manila and from Buenos Aires to New York, --treat in the same manner that Dracula treated a cross-- nay, in the manner the ACLU treats a cross.

Unsurprisingly, The New York Times had a correspondent in the Cuban city of Santa Clara for the teary commemoration at Che's mausoleum this week, where Raul Castro presided and a solemn message from Fidel was read. Castro referred to his regime's chief executioner as, "a flower that was plucked from his stem prematurely."

Nary a hint from these intrepid, investigative news agencies that Fidel Castro was himself the main agent of that "plucking."

Humberto Fontova

The same scenarios are played out, time after time in every communist regime. The people will eventually long for individual freedom and the tyrants who impose collectivism on them will have no other course than to begin killing off the dissenters. Yet the same useful idiots appear in every exercise, ignoring the reality that their predecessors were always among the first to be frog-marched off to the firing squads. Perhaps they have some egotistical dream of being the first among their kind to be held on high once their totalitarian masters come to power. Maybe they just have a martyr complex.

Even today, Cuban refugees tell of beatings and torture in Cuban jails and the systematic and brutal elimination of all dissent. Yet the same useful idiots on the American left, Michael Moore, George Soros, Jimmy Carter, all continue to sing Castro's praises. I wonder if soft, bourgeois lackeys like George Clooney understand history as they laud Castro's regime from their Italian villas. I wonder how many teenagers from privileged American families know that the guy whose face adorns their T-shirts would have hauled them off to La Cabana to wait for their turn in front of the bloody post.


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