
By Rush Limbaugh
Well, Mrs. Bill Clinton's been taking some heat. She criticized Barack Obama as "inexperienced" for saying he'd negotiate with Iran, if elected. But a few weeks later, she said the exact same thing. Now Mrs. Clinton is saying that "all options must remain on the table" if Iran nukes up. And you've heard that before, too -- from the Bush Administration.
This woman has more twist and turns than Chubby Checker. South Carolina voters are being treated to a radio ad from Camp Clinton, promising that Mrs. Clinton will fix their skrools, if elected. Of course, there's no mention of her real-world experience with education. Then-Governor Bill Clinton put her, the First Lady of Arkansas, in charge of education down there; her policies took the state to near dead last in the nation. It's a fact -- you can look it up! (I'd tell you about it, but we don't have time in these updates. Look it up; it'll be good for you.)
Finally, these words from Mrs. Clinton, addressing a female audience. Quote: "You know, if you're going to be involved in politics you have to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros. So occasionally, I'll be sitting somewhere and I’ll be listening to someone perhaps not saying the kindest things about me. And I'll look down at my hand and I'll sort of pinch my skin to make sure it still has the requisite thickness I know Eleanor Roosevelt expects me to have."
Okay, I'm going to be kind here, folks: if she wants to compare her skin to a rhino, I'll let it speak for itself. You know, it's a close toss-up: Who is the most cheated-on woman in the history of the world? Eleanor Roosevelt or Hillary? I think it's Hillary. No doubt.
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