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Bully Pulpit

The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Krauthammer: Sotomayor Believes That Females & Minorities Have Superior Judgment & Entitlements

(Posted by Greg Hengler, TownHall.com) - As [Chris] Wallace said, Obama can no longer say Sotomayor's "wise Latina" comment was a "slip of the tongue," because she has (so far) been found to have said almost the same thing seven times since 1994.


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