Obama visits Billy Graham at his home

Billy Graham, 91, received President Obama in his home in Montreat. Graham has counseled presidents since Eisenhower.
They reminisce about time spent in Chicago and share prayers for each other in 30-minute meeting
MONTREAT (AP) - President Obama made a pilgrimage yesterday to Billy Graham's mountainside home, concluding his North Carolina vacation with his first meeting with the ailing evangelist who has counseled commanders in chief since Dwight Eisenhower.
Obama, 48, made the short drive to Montreat from Asheville, where he spent the weekend, to see the 91-year-old Graham and son Franklin, also an evangelist.
During the visit, which lasted about 30 minutes and included aides and advisers to both men, Obama had a private prayer and conversation with Billy Graham. The evangelist gave Obama two Bibles, one for him and one for the first lady, Graham spokesman Larry Ross said.
Obama was "extraordinarily gratified that he took the time to meet with him," White House spokesman Bill Burton said.
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