Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ): More Stimulus Is "Dead Wrong" To Get Out Of Debt

Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) on more spending: "It's wrong, I mean it's just dead wrong. More spending with what? The federal government continue to print more and more money and leaving that debt for our kids. Eventually it's just going to grind our economy down even further. It would be nice to say we should have more spending, everybody loves to spend money, but the fact is we have to start doing the hard things to start digging ourselves out of this hole."
Matt Lauer to Gov. Chris Christie: Are You Worried That Taking On NJ Unions and Teachers Will 'Haunt' You?
( - Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appeared on Wednesday's Today show and deftly handled all of Matt Lauer's pointed questions from whether or not he was worried about "taking on" the "sacred cows" of unions and teachers, if he will support Barack Obama's small business legislation, and even if the governor's criticism of Snooki and The Situation was good for Jersey Shore tourism.
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