Oliver Stone: Sarah Palin’s a Moron, Know-Nothing; Compares Her to KKK
(Breitbart.tv) - Perhaps this will be a nightly feature on CNN's new, Parker-Spitzer Show. Last night it was Aaron Sorkin calling Ms. Palin an "idiot" and tonight Oliver Stone has a turn. He then compares her political success to the "Know-Nothings" and the KKK and Kathleen Parker can only respond by pointing out that Ms. Palin is a woman.
Why does anyone care about a film director's political point of view on the success of Sarah Palin? She WAS a Govenor after all. Oliver Stone has no business commenting on politics. Go makes some movies. I can't remember when he last made a hit movie. Anyway, I get so tired of the media asking the opinions of movie stars and the like. Why don't they ask the public to come on their show. Anyone off the street. These movie people don't represent the American people. The American people have their own voice and opinion.
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