The art of consensus-building
A letter to the editor in today's WSJ:
A legislator has to master the art of consensus-building in order to be successful. A legislator who is an avowed ideologue and who states and signs forms saying he or she will never, ever compromise will be ineffective.
There are three people in the race for the 31st Senate District seat held by the late Ham Horton. All three are conservative Republicans. One of them is an avowed ideologue and will never be successful. Two of them have held elected office and have learned the art of compromise and consequently the art of governing. They are both highly qualified and either one would be an effective senator for the 31st District. However, Gloria Whisenhunt, the current chairwoman of the Forsyth County Commissioners, knows how to get things done and has been successful.
Gloria Whisenhunt will represent the citizens of the 31st District honorably, ably, wisely and effectively. She has mastered the art of consensus-building. I strongly support her as the conservative candidate for Senate District 31.
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