Ron Paul Supporters May Be Using 'Botnets'
(Fox News) - Ron Paul supporters may be using e-mail spam and dirty tricks to gin up support for their presidential candidate on the Internet.
"This is clearly a criminal act in support of a campaign, which has been committed with or without [its] knowledge," University of Alabama at Birmingham computer-forensics expert Gary Warner told Wired News.
"This is clearly a criminal act in support of a campaign, which has been committed with or without [its] knowledge," University of Alabama at Birmingham computer-forensics expert Gary Warner told Wired News.
Desperate times for desperate measures, I'd guess. Many registered Republicans voting in the upcoming primary are desperate for their candidate's message to be heard. In reality, road signs on the information highway are hard to monitor by the information police. And if you're not a party favorite, there's little major press for you. The fans of both R and D 'black sheep' will find other ways to pimp their favorite platform. No harm, no foul, I say. If you don't like it, get a better spam filter (and buy a Mac next time around).
An aside: what's up with the large amount of negative Paul stories on this "conservative" blog? Thoughts? Is this simply a reflection of the major (and even major "conservative") media outlets?
Hey anonymous, why did you change the middle paragraph that begins with, "This attack method can do...?"
The original text of the article is thus:
This attack method can do far more harm than good for the Ron Paul campaign. I have consulted with some experts that I highly respect and they indicate that the likely source for the botnet attack is a paid operation from Eastern European organized crime so I would venture that someone from another campaign that has some connections ordered this attack.
All that NSA paranoia crap serves no purpose and only provides ammunition to those who are trying to associate Dr. Paul with the lunatic fringe. One almost has to wonder if anonymous was trying to run up a false flag.
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