Rush Limbaugh's Morning Update: Address to Troops!

From the EIB Southern Command, I address you -- the brave soldiers of Operation Chaos. Today at 0700 our forces will engage in the most decisive action to date in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The task before you is not easy. We must ensure the Clinton campaign is not routed. The outcome will rest squarely on you: the troops of Operation Chaos.
Despite the obstacles -- from Democrat officials threatening unconstitutional legal challenges, to Drive-By Media attacks from assailants -- you have performed brilliantly.
Let's pause to remember our humble beginnings. Obama was marching unscathed to the Democrat nomination. Calls were mounting for Mrs. Clinton to unconditionally surrender. Our objective was difficult: to get behind her with sufficient strength to keep her competitive and wound Obama -- politically.
Thanks to you, the Democrat Party is today in chaos. The Clinton campaign is in striking distance of stealing the Democratic nomination. Senator Obama has been bloodied -- politically. His radicalism, his inexperience, have been exposed. Democrats are at war with themselves.
Yet there is more to do. You in North Carolina, you in Indiana must gird yourselves for battle. We must spread more Democrat chaos. Soon I, El Rushbo, commander of Operation Chaos, will proclaim "Mission Accomplished." So on to battle, my brave troops; Godspeed to our victory in Pennsylvania!
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
• AP: Clinton, Obama Trade Negative Attacks Days Before Pa. Vote
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