Illegal immigrants leave tons of trash in Arizona desert, devastating environment
Illegal immigrants crossing the border leave tons of trash in the Arizona desert, devastating the environment and costing taxpayers millions in cleanup
(By Caroline May, The Daily Caller) - In 1971, the environmental organization Keep America Beautiful launched a Public Service Announcement featuring a crying Indian lamenting the litter that supposedly coated America’s landscape. If in the 1970s the crying Indian was tearing up over some Coke cans on the bank of a river, today he would be sobbing at the environmental devastation occurring on the U.S.-Mexico border due to illegal immigration.

(By Caroline May, The Daily Caller) - In 1971, the environmental organization Keep America Beautiful launched a Public Service Announcement featuring a crying Indian lamenting the litter that supposedly coated America’s landscape. If in the 1970s the crying Indian was tearing up over some Coke cans on the bank of a river, today he would be sobbing at the environmental devastation occurring on the U.S.-Mexico border due to illegal immigration.

Trash and clothing left by illegal aliens attempting to enter the United States for Mexico litter the desert floor as seen here in an aerial view from a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office Black Hawk helicopter Wednesday, June 2, 2004 near Arivaca, Ariz., south of Tucson. (AP Photo/Tom Hood)
We must train the politicians already in Washington, that the Arizona law represents the American people’s defense, against 30 years of unequivocal failure to seal the border and deportation. That even now the fence not completed, and does not represent the original specifications of two fences stretched 1800 miles from the Pacific to Gulf of Mexico. Secretly--behind closed doors, the Democratic leadership in the 2006 Senate Omnibus Law Sen. Kay Baily Hutchinson, sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn, (R-TX) attacked a major provisions of a second independent 15 foot chain-link fence that was eliminated. With a militarize border carrying automatic weapons the Arizona's law would never have been signed by Governor Brewer? The gang slime and cesspool of criminals would never have materialized in such numbers in border cities, as double parallel fences policed by 6000 permanent federal troops and US Border patrol as Mexico does with Guatemala, would have stopped the carnage in the border region.
What Obama hopes to do with unarmed military in small numbers sitting at desk, is amazingly stupid and misguided as any hopes of stopping the potential deaths is political suicide; a serious danger to National Security. Why defend foreign nations with soldiers and money, when our government for decades refuses to defend this country? The tea Party, Independents, rogue Democrats, reformed Republicans and pro-sovereignty Liberals and millions of well-informed Americans see that this is a way to appease the corrupt authorities in Mexico. Every US patriotic citizen and legal resident must demand from their confused lawmakers at state and federal level in demanding E-Verify permanently. This will gradually remove illegal aliens by auditing workplaces (old and new workers--temporarily or permanent jobs) and bring to justice employers who are flouting the law and put them in prison. WE AS THE VOTERS OF AMERICA CAN DO THIS, RIDDING OURSELVES OF SENATORS LIKE REID, McCAIN, PELOSI, SCHUMER, GRAHAM, FEINSTEIN PUSHING FOR AMNESTY AND THE DREAM ACT. WHAT WE SHOULD DEMAND FROM THE LEGISLATORS IS IMMEDIATE REVITALIZATION OF THE “SAVE ACT & CLEAR ACT.” ALL INCUMBENTS NEED TO JOIN THE JOBLESS. FIND FACTS AT NUMBERSUSA & GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION AT JUDICIAL WATCH. Bombard the Washington switchboard at 202-224-3121 WATCH--FOR--ILLEGALS--VOTING--IN--FUTURE--ELECTIONS.
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