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Bully Pulpit

The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Amnesty Eight

National Review Online

The game remains the same: Pass amnesty by giving it some enforcement cover. Senators opposing amnesty or skeptical of the bill who voted yes on cloture Tuesday have blessed a ramshackle process that has the Senate considering extremely consequential and complicated legislation on the fly; allowed the bill to take a step without which it could never make it into law; and enabled all the insider gamesmanship (see the Kyl-Graham-Martinez amendment) that will be used to force it over the next set of procedural obstacles. We fear some of these senators will now try to argue that a vote against final passage is enough. It isn’t. The best remaining chance to defeat the bill is on cloture on Thursday. These senators should vote no, or be known forevermore as the Amnesty Eight: the senators who could have blocked amnesty, but didn’t.

I hope Richard Burr studies up on real estate over the next couple of years. He might need a job with his wife's real estate company after '10.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Burr knew where his bread was buttered. I'm surprised he let this go on. Yet voters, even in a GOP primary, have short memories and given the GOP's lack of candidate pool, he'll have an easy re-election in 2010.

Thursday, June 28, 2007 10:15:00 AM  

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