A few examples...
Tucker Miller responds to yours truly:
Every time the already wealthy congress gives themselves a pay raise (dems and reps: class struggles transcend petty political affiliations); every time a factory is shut down here in NC and moved to a 3rd world country so that a corporation's profit margin is greater; every time a local job is outsourced to save money for a ceo's and upper management's yearly bonuses; every time a lobbyist from an energy company influences a politician from voting for progressive regulations on emissions or fuel efficiency; every time your and my insurance premiums go up to pay for the rebuilding of multi-million dollar homes on ribbons of sand after Mother Nature has her way with them; every time a corporation moves its "corporate headquarters" offshore to evade paying their taxes (i.e. Halliburton); every time one of my friends is put in harm's way in Iraq just so that war profiteers can do just that-profit (i.e. Halliburton); every time a mega-church installs a million $$ sound system and then gives maybe a third that amount to charity; every time a fat cat donates more money than you or I make in a single year in one check to one already well-to-do politician (do you think he does that with nothing expected in return?); every time an airline CEO makes a multi-million dollar salary while their company screams bankruptcy and cuts promised pensions for their workers; every time a vote on raising the minimum wage is stifled by people and politicians who make in one year what some one being paid minimum wage makes in a lifetime…...
I could go on and on and on and on……
And don't forget that I'm not a democrat. My accusations against the greedy ceo's and their cronies know no political boundaries!
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