Bush is kicking away his base
The tough political tactics used by union bosses and Democratic machine bosses simply don't sit well with conservative Republicans.
Phyllis Schlafly
The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.
"Our government has no power except that granted it by the people... It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the federal government and those reserved to the states or to the people. All of us need to be reminded that the federal government did not create the states; the states created the federal government."
Ronald Reagan
Someone by the name of "Chippigoo" opines:
To be fair, whenever I read a majority of Mr. Brenneis' posts back to Mr. Miller, they seem very hateful, judgmental, and generally spiteful. That's a tone that comes through the word choice and writing style. It has nothing to do with the actual commentary or subject matter. Blame Mr. Brenneis for the diatribe Mr. Miller posted. After all, it was seemingly his intention to get a rise out of Tucker, and to personally attack him.
In general, your blog is a playground where conservative bloggers get to poke fun and make demeaning comments to your politically liberal co-bloggers. This is definitely not a place to get a lesson on political discourse. It must make both of you conservatives very proud to know that other people you live around, work with, and commune with read this and see exactly what kind of hateful, mean-spirited people you are. You two should be ashamed of yourselves.
I'm sure you won't post this, but let this be a message to whoever reads this first. People actually read what you type. People also gather their OWN opinions as to what kind of people post on this blog. As far as my opinion is concerned, it's stated above. These are MY opinions and observations. I know of others who have read this blog who see the same things I do. After all, I mainly read this blog to see what kind of hateful, nasty thing Mr. Brenneis will say next! Ha!
Tucker Miller responds to yours truly:
Andy, that is a load of crap.... And you should know that.
How many personal attacks does Steve make without any commentary from you?
What kind of satisfaction do you get from kissing his ass? Stokes voters wised up and voted him out, he can't get you a job anymore!!
Tucker Miller responds to Steve:
You can choose to ignore what i write and go on and on chasing some straw-man "democrat", "leftist", "evil" if you want, but it really makes you seem ridiculous. I particularly enjoy how you try to lump me in with journalists and political hacks that i do not support and would never vote for! If you actually knew even the slightest about me you would be amused by it as well.
You enjoy claiming that you are politically independent, but that is a BIG joke. The contorted rationalizations you make, allowing you to remain on the side of your favorite (or least favorite) Republicans, make you seem as flexible as a former gymnist turned nght walker --- with the Republican party serving as pimp.
A "true" conservative is concerned with matters such as states' rights, fiscal responsibility, and narrow interpretations of the constitution. Except for the one in the middle you seem to think exactly opposite at least half of the time.
Steve, you are not a true "conservative" -- that's just a nice, neat little word you like to peddle to folks to get them to listen to your most radical & often "looney-tunes" ideas.
I'll give you "non-athiest objectivist" (an oxy-moron btw), but i'll let you sell that "conservative" line to straight-ticket-voting Republicans looking for a good time.
By Jonah Goldberg
Hillary Clinton's success over the last decade and a half has been in pretending to be her own woman while really playing one part or another for the benefit of the media, her husband or various feminist constituencies desperate for a role model to confirm all of their comfortable stereotypes.
That's why there's something oddly satisfying in the possibility that Clinton being herself is politically disastrous. And, if she's really just playing one more role according to some classically Clintonian political triangulation, there's something equally satisfying to the prospect that even her fans aren't falling for it anymore.
Shuttle loss a rude awakening for NASA
Twenty years ago, space shuttle Challenger blew apart into jets of fire and plumes of smoke, a terrifying sight witnessed by the families of the seven astronauts and onlookers who came to watch the historic launch of the first teacher in space.
Luigi Cascioli wrote a book called The Fable of Christ (apparently self-published) which says Jesus didn't exist. Enrico Righi, a priest near Rome, wrote an article in the diocesan newspaper criticizing the claim. So Cascioli did something almost American: He sued.
Or, more accurately, Cascioli filed criminal charges against Righi, saying that he's breaking two Italian laws. The first, "abuse of popular belief/credulity," is an anti-fraud law. The second is "substitution of identity"— Cascioli charges that "the church constructed Christ upon the personality of John of Gamala," an anti-Roman Jew in the first century.
"I started this lawsuit [in 2002] because I wanted to deal the final blow against the church, the bearer of obscurantism and regression," Cascioli told Reuters.
Fox News
WASHINGTON — Massachusetts Sens. John Kerry and Edward Kennedy, along with a small number of other Senate Democrats, have threatened a filibuster to block the vote for Judge Samuel Alito's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, FOX News has learned.
From the New York Times:
A filibuster is a radical tool. It's easy to see why Democrats are frightened of it. But from our perspective, there are some things far more frightening. One of them is Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court.
"When you insist upon legal protection for all human life, you're simply being true to our most basic principles and convictions as Americans. We'll continue to work together with Members of the Congress to overturn the tragedy of Roe versus Wade. By your presence today, you reaffirm the self-evident truths set forth in our Declaration of Independence. Each year remarkable advances in prenatal medicine bring even more dramatic confirmation of what common sense has told us all along: that the child in the womb is simply what each of us once was, a very young, very small, dependent, and very vulnerable live member of the human family... Our nation's affirmation of the sacredness of all human life must begin with respect for our most basic civil right: the right to life."
Ronald Reagan
AP Television Writer
The new president on "The West Wing" will be a real short-timer: NBC announced Sunday it was pulling the plug on the Emmy-winning political drama after seven seasons in May.
THE DRUDGE REPORT has learned Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) office is behind a last ditch effort to stop Judge Samuel A. Alito's confirmation before next week's vote using a 2004 recusal request.
If Colorado follows Maryland's lead, look for Wal-Mart to slow local expansion plans, and maybe raise prices. Low-income consumers who save hundreds of dollars a year at Wal-Mart would hardly call that fair. Nor would the entry-level workers who'll find fewer opportunities for meaningful employment as the hiring windows at Wal-Mart close.
And yet the union PR machines continue to bellow that organized labor is looking out for the little guy. Go figure.
Ted Kennedy is breaking out his scandal squad, now that The National Enquirer is claiming he has a secret love child.
According to the tab, the Massachusetts senator took a paternity test that proved he'd fathered a son - now 21 - by a Cape Cod woman half his age.
Kennedy's office yesterday denounced the story, calling it "irresponsible fiction."
Bolivia's outgoing President Eduardo Rodriguez has sacked the army chief and ordered a probe into the destruction in the US of some 30 missiles in October. Mr Rodriguez said he had been told the ageing Chinese missiles posed a safety risk and had authorised American help with their decommissioning. But, he said, the army should not have sent them out of the country. At the time, Evo Morales - who will take office on Sunday - had called it a US plot to weaken Bolivian defences.
Bolivia's President-elect, Evo Morales, says he will scrap his country's indigenous affairs ministry.
Mr Morales, an Aymara Indian who on Sunday will become his country's first indigenous president, said the ministry amounted to a form of discrimination. He said the ministry for women would be abolished for the same reason, adding that his cabinet would include Indian leaders and women. In Bolivia, indigenous people represent more than 60% of the population.
Chile's first woman president, Michelle Bachelet, is breaking many political traditions.
Not only is she a woman, but she calls herself a socialist and she is a single parent with a 12-year-old daughter and two other grown children. Giving a victory speech to cheering supporters in Santiago, Ms Bachelet said: "Who would have thought, just five years ago, that Chile would have a woman president?" Outgoing President Ricardo Lagos has hailed her election as an "historic triumph". Chilean society is often portrayed as ultra-conservative, dominated by men and the Roman Catholic Church. Only 4% of senators are women and divorce was only introduced last year. But Ms Bachelet believes this is only part of the picture and Chile is changing - as reflected by her election victory.
Winston-Salem JournalThis gives me even more reason to like Alito. :-)
Although the U.S. Senate is on the brink of confirming Judge Samuel Alito as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Journal cannot endorse that decision...
Alito will not be in the center, and he is not a mainstream conservative. He will join Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas in a far-right bloc...
This is not to say that Alito is not a fine man and a brilliant lawyer. But he would take this country in directions that will not serve the American people well.
"The framers of our Constitution believed that the judicial branch should be removed from politics and that its only goal should be the fair and impartial administration of justice. But in the last few months, the confirmation of a judicial nominee has become a spectacle of misrepresentation and single-issue politics. To allow this unprecedented practice to become the rule would jeopardize the integrity and independence of the American system of justice."
Ronald Reagan
The US Supreme Court has upheld a law allowing doctors in the state of Oregon to help terminally ill patients die. It rejected an effort by the Bush administration to strike down the law, the only one of its kind in the US. Justices voted 6-3 to uphold Oregon's 1997 Death with Dignity act, under which doctors are thought to have helped about 200 people to die.
New Chief Justice John Roberts was in the minority in the Court's first major case on ethics since he joined it.