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Bully Pulpit

The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.

Monday, March 05, 2007

In which Strother tilts at Coulter-shaped windmills

This is nearly priceless.

Well — all I can say is, what else do you expect from a Media Whore like Ann Coulter? (And that, folks, is a name calling that we can all prove.) Saying what she said was nothing more than an attempt to get her name back in The News while riding the coattails of a presidential candidate.

You wish, Strother.

And Steve, per your explanation of Ann's "point," she's not even that deep. She'd appreciate your attempt to explain her comment, though; I'll bet she likes men who follow her lead.

Right, just keep telling yourself that. I suspect Coulter is exactly that deep, but let's just consider this objectively. In one sentence, she simultaneously outed the so-called "conservative" punditry as slaves of PC no less than their liberal couterparts who they excoriate regularly for exactly the same crime, she scored a direct hit on the hypocrites of the Hollyweird elite, and she finessed three GOP candidates for POTUS into exposing themselves as spineless cowards who will cave in to the thought police at the first opportunity. On this blog alone, she got a closet Democrat and Edwards supporter and a True Believer Republican to become brothers in arms in defense of homosexual PC. Not bad for someone who is "not even that deep."

You can berate Coulter for a lot of things, but this was one of the most effective single-shot hits of nuclear bombast I've witnessed in a while. Calling her shallow for it is silly and dishonest.

How is Edwards a metrosexual and a gamma male?

Please tell me you're not that clueless, Strother. Or is this an attempt to derail the topic? Edwards is the hair-products for men poster boy of metrosexuals, not to mention all the time he spends bending over for feminists. Even some of his most loyal supporters are willing to concede that.

Much like Ann, you're really reaching to be shocking, dude. And much like the audience at CPAC, few intelligent people that are paying attention are impressed or amused.

Get over yourself, Strother. I couldn't care less if I shock anyone. Edwards is a joke. He isn't even an also-ran in this election cycle. As others have pointed out, if he didn't have a long-standing track record of buffoonery, one could almost suspect the Clinton machine of sabotage.

And I didn't know you went to CPAC. How else could you know how the audience reacted? In point of fact, you're talking out of the side of your head because the online accounts I've been reading from actual attendees are running eight or ten to one in favor of what Coulter said.

If you're ready to see Ann finally and officially considered a liability and loose cannon by those 'conservatives' she supposedly supports, then you should most definitely keep on rooting for her.

Oh, please.

Who do you think Coulter's target audience was, Strother? Was it moderates and Edwards fans like you? No. Was it the media establishment, so wrapped up in PC sensibilities that they can hardly even move? No. Was it the soft-spined provincials in the GOP and "conservative" pundits who suffer from constant appeasement anxiety? No. It was fired-up conservative rank-and-file looking for red meat. She gave it to them in spades. That conservative rank-and-file is sick to death of the last six years of bending over for the Left. Ann is no liability to them, she is a breath of fresh air for them. Wish all you like, but conservatives are a long way from throwing her under the bus.


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