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Bully Pulpit

The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Rush Limbaugh: Hawaii Governor Is Still Alive Because White House Is Also Involved In Birther Case

(By Jon Bershad, Mediaite) - Ah the birther situation. It’s the kind of thing that should have vanished years ago but keeps popping up anyway, like the political equivalent of Ugg Boots. Recently, the issue gained headlines again thanks to Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie’s one-man crusade to end the controversy. But Rush Limbaugh doesn’t think this solo quest is actually so solo. He thinks the Obama administration gave Abercrombie the go ahead because, if they didn’t, he’d be dead. Duh.

“I would think that if Abercrombie’s going to do this, he’s not the Lone Ranger. He’s gotta be calling the White House, ‘OK, look, we’ve got a potential problem here. I want to find this thing, and I want to make it public.’ Now, if that happened, someone at the regime did not say, ‘No, don’t do it,’ because Abercrombie is still alive. If they had said don’t do it, and Abercrombie is still doing it… Well, I don’t want to even think of the consequences of that.’”


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