Bully Pulpit
The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
(By Jonathon M. Seidl, The Blaze) - When Sean Symons was driving in Arkansas recently, he noticed a teen driving erratically. Symons says the teen was text messaging while behind the wheel, causing him to swerve wildly, even into oncoming traffic. So Symons decided to call police, then whip out his own cell phone and film what was happening. That led to some incredible, heart-stopping footage when the teen lost control of his car:
[Content warning for language]
Worst Dad Ever? Father Drops His Daughter To Catch A Foul Ball
(By Mohammed Rahman, SportsGrid) - On Saturday night, a Los Angeles Dodgers fan dropped his daughter in order to attempt to catch a foul ball. The best part other than the fitting fact that he dropped the ball, is his daughter’s reaction, which he totally deserved.
Stadium security coming over and lecturing the dad about parental etiquette is also priceless. I’m sure he’s changed for the better forever after that pointless talk.
Stadium security coming over and lecturing the dad about parental etiquette is also priceless. I’m sure he’s changed for the better forever after that pointless talk.
George Will: Everyone Knows Sarah Palin Should Not Be Trusted With Nuclear Weapons
(By Matt Schneider, Mediaite) - With Sarah Palin fever sweeping across the media again, persistent Palin critic and conservative commentator George Will clearly was not excited by the speculation surrounding her potential run for President. Donna Brazile, Jonathan Karl and Ed Gillespie joined in on the conversation, yet Will had the most pointed remarks regarding how Palin is a “genius at manipulating” the infinite media attention she receives.
George Will: “The threshold question, not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [in Palin's case], answers itself.”
George Will: “The threshold question, not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [in Palin's case], answers itself.”
Australian TV Captures Video Of Waterspouts Near Sydney
(By Mark Joyella, Mediaite) - Australia’s 7 Network had its chopper in the right place at the right time, capturing amazing video of waterspouts off the coast north of Sydney. The helicopter shots, which aired live on 7’s 'The Morning Show', reached a height of two thousand feet, but never reached land. As viewers watched, the powerful waterspouts made for amazing–but ultimately non-threatening–images. “It looked pretty impressive,” one viewer told the network. “I wouldn’t have liked to have been in a boat out there.”
The waterspouts formed in the ocean off the coast of New South Wales as strong winds and heavy rains caused flooding and traffic problems in the Sydney area over the weekend.
The waterspouts formed in the ocean off the coast of New South Wales as strong winds and heavy rains caused flooding and traffic problems in the Sydney area over the weekend.
Barack Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential
(By Nile Gardiner, UK Telegraph) - Can you imagine David Cameron enjoying a round of golf on Remembrance Sunday? It would be inconceivable for the British Prime Minister to do so, and not just because of the usually dire weather at that time of the year. Above all, it would be viewed as an act of extremely bad taste on a day when the nation remembers and mourns her war dead. I can’t imagine the PM even considering it, and I’m sure his advisers would be horrified at the idea. And if the prime minister ever did play golf on such a sacrosanct day he would be given a massive drubbing by the British press, and it would never be repeated.
Contrast this with President Obama’s decision to play golf yesterday, Memorial Day, for the 70th time during his 28-month long presidency. For tens of millions of Americans, Memorial Day is a time for remembrance of the huge sacrifices made by servicemen and women on the battlefield. The president did pay his respects in the morning, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, but later in the day traveled to Fort Belvoir to play golf. The story has not been reported so far in a single US newspaper, but was made public by veteran White House correspondent Keith Koffler on his blog.
Contrast this with President Obama’s decision to play golf yesterday, Memorial Day, for the 70th time during his 28-month long presidency. For tens of millions of Americans, Memorial Day is a time for remembrance of the huge sacrifices made by servicemen and women on the battlefield. The president did pay his respects in the morning, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, but later in the day traveled to Fort Belvoir to play golf. The story has not been reported so far in a single US newspaper, but was made public by veteran White House correspondent Keith Koffler on his blog.
Is Obama Chewing Gum at Joplin Memorial Service?
(Fox Nation) - Earlier today President Obama spoke at a memorial service in Joplin, MO honoring those who lost their lives to the destructive tornado that stuck the region last week. Seen at the last seconds of this video clip it appears as though President Obama was chewing gum. What do you think?
First Lady Has Trouble Keeping Staff, Called 'Tough as Nails'
Spotlight takes toll on first lady's staff
(By Julie Mason & Amie Parnes, Politico) - Less than three years into the job, first lady Michelle Obama is on her third chief of staff and third social secretary. She is on her second communications director, the White House chief usher recently departed, and her press secretary’s last day is Friday.
On Friday afternoon, the first lady’s office announced that the executive director of Obama’s signature campaign to fight childhood obesity also is leaving.
The turnover, greater than under recent first ladies, underscores the pressure and high expectations of working in an operation known for its polish and discipline.
(By Julie Mason & Amie Parnes, Politico) - Less than three years into the job, first lady Michelle Obama is on her third chief of staff and third social secretary. She is on her second communications director, the White House chief usher recently departed, and her press secretary’s last day is Friday.
On Friday afternoon, the first lady’s office announced that the executive director of Obama’s signature campaign to fight childhood obesity also is leaving.
The turnover, greater than under recent first ladies, underscores the pressure and high expectations of working in an operation known for its polish and discipline.
John Edwards indictment coming as soon as tomorrow?
(By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air) - So says CBS, and if not tomorrow than by the end of the week. The John Edwards defense team has ramped up its efforts to get a plea deal in place before the grand jury returns the indictment on corruption charges. The DoJ is playing hardball, however, and apparently prosecutors want the indictment first:
The Justice Department reportedly is ready to file charges against former Sen. John Edwards for allegedly using campaign money to hide his mistress..
After a two-year investigation, federal prosecutors could charge Edwards this week – possibly as early as Wednesday – with violating federal campaign laws when he ran for president in 2008, reports CBS News correspondent Jan Crawford
Charles Krauthammer and Evan Thomas Agree: Bill Clinton and Obama are Hypocrites on Medicare Reform
(By Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters.org) - On Friday, Newsweek's Evan Thomas said the recent special election in New York's 26th Congressional district proves "demagoguing works" and that former President Bill Clinton is a hypocrite when it comes to Medicare reform.
"Inside Washington" co-panelist Charles Krauthammer agreed saying that President Obama is also a hypocrite on this issue, and that "between now and at least until Election Day, Democrats will do absolutely nothing on entitlements except demagogue it":
Charles Krauthammer: "Look, Obama has clearly made exactly the same decision that Clinton did in 1995. He did not speak about entitlements in the budget, which, incidentally, went to a vote in the Senate and was defeated 97 to zero this week, to say what contempt even Democrats had for it. ... He is completely running on the following bet: Americans are against the debt in the abstract but if you touch anything of the entitlements, you’re going to lose. And thus between now and at least until Election Day, Democrats will do absolutely nothing on entitlements except demagogue it."
"Inside Washington" co-panelist Charles Krauthammer agreed saying that President Obama is also a hypocrite on this issue, and that "between now and at least until Election Day, Democrats will do absolutely nothing on entitlements except demagogue it":
Charles Krauthammer: "Look, Obama has clearly made exactly the same decision that Clinton did in 1995. He did not speak about entitlements in the budget, which, incidentally, went to a vote in the Senate and was defeated 97 to zero this week, to say what contempt even Democrats had for it. ... He is completely running on the following bet: Americans are against the debt in the abstract but if you touch anything of the entitlements, you’re going to lose. And thus between now and at least until Election Day, Democrats will do absolutely nothing on entitlements except demagogue it."
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz dodges on the Democrats' lacking a plan to save Medicare
(MRC TV) - DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz dodges on the Democrats' lacking a plan to save Medicare; quickly hits how Rep. Paul Ryan's plan will 'end Medicare'.
Related Material...
- (By Allahpundit, Hot Air) - Video: DNC chief announces bold, brilliant plan to save Medicare before it implodes
Dan Wheldon Wins Thrilling and Heartbreaking Indy 500 When Leader Crashes in Final Turn
National Guard Car Loses Indy 500 After Breathtaking, Heartbreaking Finish
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — JR Hildebrand was one turn away from winning the Indianapolis 500 and within sight of the checkered flag when the 23-year-old rookie made the ultimate mistake.
Leading by almost 4 seconds with a lap to go, Hildebrand skidded high into the wall on the final turn, and Dan Wheldon drove past to claim an improbable second Indy 500 win Sunday in his first race of the year.
“It’s a helpless feeling,” Hildebrand said.
Leader JR Hildebrand slammed into the wall on the final turn, and Dan Wheldon drove past to claim an improbable Indy 500 win Sunday in his first race of the year. It's Wheldon's second Indy 500 victory. (Breitbart.tv)
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — JR Hildebrand was one turn away from winning the Indianapolis 500 and within sight of the checkered flag when the 23-year-old rookie made the ultimate mistake.
Leading by almost 4 seconds with a lap to go, Hildebrand skidded high into the wall on the final turn, and Dan Wheldon drove past to claim an improbable second Indy 500 win Sunday in his first race of the year.
“It’s a helpless feeling,” Hildebrand said.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Obama Ordered to Pay Congestion Charge for 'The Beast'
Pay up Obama: President made to cough up C-charge for 'The Beast'
(By Peter Dominiczak, London Evening Standard) - Barack Obama has been ordered to pay the congestion charge for his security vehicle "The Beast", Boris Johnson revealed today.
The Mayor told the 'Standard' each car in the President's motorcade will be billed for £10 - including the bomb-proof Cadillac. Mr Johnson also said he had a discussion with Mr Obama about the US embassy's refusal to pay £5.3 million in C-charge fines.
(By Peter Dominiczak, London Evening Standard) - Barack Obama has been ordered to pay the congestion charge for his security vehicle "The Beast", Boris Johnson revealed today.
The Mayor told the 'Standard' each car in the President's motorcade will be billed for £10 - including the bomb-proof Cadillac. Mr Johnson also said he had a discussion with Mr Obama about the US embassy's refusal to pay £5.3 million in C-charge fines.
Shocking: Video Shows SWAT Team Gunning Down Iraq War Veteran
(By Lizzie Manning, Mediaite) - A recent report has revealed that Jose Guerna, the Iraq War Veteran killed in a Tucson, Arizona SWAT team raid did not even fire one shot before he was killed.
Guerna was accused of drug smuggling, robbery and human trafficking but despite the SWAT team’s initial reports that he fired the first shots, a more conclusive investigation has revealed that he not only had the safety on his gun but was asleep until his wife warned him that the SWAT team was storming his house.
A startling video depicts the event. It was taken from the head-cameras of one of the SWAT team members and shows a short warning siren followed by almost inaudible yells before the team breaks down the door and starts firing. The entire video is 54 seconds long, but in that time the SWAT team fires over 70 shots, 60 of which hit Mr. Guerna.
Guerna was accused of drug smuggling, robbery and human trafficking but despite the SWAT team’s initial reports that he fired the first shots, a more conclusive investigation has revealed that he not only had the safety on his gun but was asleep until his wife warned him that the SWAT team was storming his house.
A startling video depicts the event. It was taken from the head-cameras of one of the SWAT team members and shows a short warning siren followed by almost inaudible yells before the team breaks down the door and starts firing. The entire video is 54 seconds long, but in that time the SWAT team fires over 70 shots, 60 of which hit Mr. Guerna.
LA Times Columnist: Obama Pauses While Speaking Due To ‘Intellectual Stammer’
(By Alex Alvarez, Hot Air) - Our President, you may have noticed at some point or another, tends to stammer a bit when he speaks. Not during his speeches, really, but when he’s speaking off the cuff. Personally, we’ve never found it too distracting or particularly glaring, but, you know. It’s a thing he does from time to time. Well, the 'Los Angeles Times', in an opinion column, has decided to defend Barack Obama’s tendency to pause or sometimes tumble over his words by chalking it all up to a phenomenon the paper has decided to call “The Intellectual Stammer.”
Video: Voices from the Gulf
(By Tina Korbe, Hot Air) - A year ago today, President Barack Obama announced a moratorium on all deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. A knee-jerk reaction to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the moratorium might have made sense for a very brief period — and even that is debatable — but, a year later, the administration continues to punish the Gulf. While the official ban on drilling ended in October, the agency responsible for drilling permits has issued just 1 deepwater permit for truly new activity.
"Special Report Online" Panel On John Edwards, GOP Field & More
(Real Clear Politics) - Charles Krauthammer says getting John Edwards for breaking campaign finance laws is like getting Al Capone on tax evasion.
Black Box Reveals Terrifying Final Moments of Air France Flight: Plunged 38,000 Ft. in 4 Minutes
PARIS (The Blaze/AP) — An Air France jet carrying 228 people stalled before plunging from 38,000 feet (11,600 meters) and crashing into the Atlantic Ocean in less than four minutes, accident investigators said Friday.
Black box recordings from the plane reveal the final minutes of the doomed plane, as two co-pilots struggled to regain control over the plane as it swayed from side to side and fell at almost 11,000 feet (3,350 meters) per minute.
Black box recordings from the plane reveal the final minutes of the doomed plane, as two co-pilots struggled to regain control over the plane as it swayed from side to side and fell at almost 11,000 feet (3,350 meters) per minute.
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Kyle Busch Apologizes for Driving Loaner Lexus 128 MPH Down Carolina Road
CONCORD, NC (AP) — Kyle Busch apologized repeatedly Thursday for showing a “lack of judgment” in driving 128 mph in a 45 mph zone in a borrowed Lexus.
Busch was cited for careless and reckless driving, and speeding following a Tuesday stop. He was driving a nearly $400,000 bright yellow Lexus.
In his scheduled media session at Charlotte Motor Speedway, Busch apologized several times for the joyride and said he would not make the mistake again.
Busch was cited for careless and reckless driving, and speeding following a Tuesday stop. He was driving a nearly $400,000 bright yellow Lexus.
In his scheduled media session at Charlotte Motor Speedway, Busch apologized several times for the joyride and said he would not make the mistake again.
John Edwards Meets Privately with Bunny Mellon, Potential Witness in Cover Up Case
(By James Hill, The Note) - John Edwards, while facing looming criminal indictment, spent the afternoon in Upperville, Virginia, visiting one of the key players in the alleged scheme to cover-up his affair.
Multiple sources at the estate of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon confirm to ABC News that the former North Carolina senator met Mellon today for lunch at her sprawling compound in Northern Virginia.
The purpose of the visit is unclear, but it is sure to raise eyebrows with federal investigators who have spent more than two years scrutinizing Mellon's contributions to Edwards and his presidential campaign. Attorneys for Edwards did not respond to requests for comment.
Mellon, heir to a banking fortune, donated more than $4 million dollars to political organizations and non-profits tied to Edwards' 2008 run and also provided more than $700 thousand that prosecutors believe was funneled to the effort to support and seclude Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter. Mellon's attorney has described those payments as gifts and has said that Mellon was unaware of how the money was used.
Acting on a tip - ABC News cameras were outside the Mellon estate this afternoon but Edwards managed to enter and leave without being seen.
Related Material...
Multiple sources at the estate of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon confirm to ABC News that the former North Carolina senator met Mellon today for lunch at her sprawling compound in Northern Virginia.
The purpose of the visit is unclear, but it is sure to raise eyebrows with federal investigators who have spent more than two years scrutinizing Mellon's contributions to Edwards and his presidential campaign. Attorneys for Edwards did not respond to requests for comment.
Mellon, heir to a banking fortune, donated more than $4 million dollars to political organizations and non-profits tied to Edwards' 2008 run and also provided more than $700 thousand that prosecutors believe was funneled to the effort to support and seclude Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter. Mellon's attorney has described those payments as gifts and has said that Mellon was unaware of how the money was used.
Acting on a tip - ABC News cameras were outside the Mellon estate this afternoon but Edwards managed to enter and leave without being seen.
Related Material...
- (By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air) - Edwards Bunny-ing up before indictment?
DNC chairwoman doesn't drive American
(By Michael O'Brien, The Hill) - The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) appears to drive a foreign car, despite criticizing Republican presidential candidates for supposedly favoring foreign auto manufacturers.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the DNC, ripped into Republican presidential contenders who opposed President Obama's 2009 bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler.
"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars; they would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes," she said at a breakfast for reporters organized by 'The Christian Science Monitor'.
But according to Florida motor vehicle records, the Wasserman Schultz household owns a 2010 Infiniti FX35, a Japanese car whose parent company is Nissan, another Japanese company. The car appears to be hers, since its license plate includes her initials.
Related Material...
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the DNC, ripped into Republican presidential contenders who opposed President Obama's 2009 bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler.
"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars; they would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes," she said at a breakfast for reporters organized by 'The Christian Science Monitor'.
But according to Florida motor vehicle records, the Wasserman Schultz household owns a 2010 Infiniti FX35, a Japanese car whose parent company is Nissan, another Japanese company. The car appears to be hers, since its license plate includes her initials.
Related Material...
- (By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air) - DNC chair’s Buy American campaign starts with everyone but her
Conservative columnist S.E. Cupp explains why radical feminists' ideas are outdated
(Carolina Journal TV) - Conservative columnist and author S.E. Cupp explains why she believes radical feminists' ideas are outdated. Cupp offered these comments during an interview for Carolina Journal Radio (Program No. 418).
Michael Reagan discusses the importance of his father's 1976 N.C. primary victory
(Carolina Journal TV) - Author and columnist Michael Reagan explains the significance of his father's 1976 North Carolina Republican presidential primary victory and assesses Ronald Reagan's enduring legacy 100 years after his birth. Michael Reagan delivered featured remarks during the Jesse Helms Center's May 18, 2011, celebration in Raleigh of the 35th anniversary of Reagan's primary election win.
Indefinitely Ed
(MRC TV) - While MSNBC's Ed Schultz begins his "indefinite" time off for inappropriate behavior, we present his apology and a few of his offensive remarks of the past.
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is 'Easily Beatable' ... His Record 'Indefensible'
(Fox Nation) - Rush Limbaugh discussed Sarah Palin, the GOP's "message problem," whom he'd like to see run against President Obama and why Obama is beatable and more on "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Barney Frank knocked on his Fannie
Rep admits to helping lover land job at mortgage giant in ’91
(By Dave Wedge, BostonHerald.com) - U.S. Rep. Barney Frank admitted he helped his ex-lover land a lucrative post with Fannie Mae in the early 1990s while the Newton Democrat was on a committee that regulated the lending giant — but he called questions of a potential ethical conflict “nonsense.”
“If it is (a conflict of interest), then much of Washington is involved (in conflicts),” Frank told the Herald last night. “It is a common thing in Washington for members of Congress to have spouses work for the federal government. There is no rule against it at all.”
Frank said he helped his former longtime companion, Herb Moses, land a job at Fannie Mae in 1991 after Moses graduated with a master’s degree in business administration from Dartmouth College. Frank said he was approached by a Fannie Mae executive and vouched for Moses, who formerly worked as an economist in the Department of Agriculture.
(By Dave Wedge, BostonHerald.com) - U.S. Rep. Barney Frank admitted he helped his ex-lover land a lucrative post with Fannie Mae in the early 1990s while the Newton Democrat was on a committee that regulated the lending giant — but he called questions of a potential ethical conflict “nonsense.”
“If it is (a conflict of interest), then much of Washington is involved (in conflicts),” Frank told the Herald last night. “It is a common thing in Washington for members of Congress to have spouses work for the federal government. There is no rule against it at all.”
Frank said he helped his former longtime companion, Herb Moses, land a job at Fannie Mae in 1991 after Moses graduated with a master’s degree in business administration from Dartmouth College. Frank said he was approached by a Fannie Mae executive and vouched for Moses, who formerly worked as an economist in the Department of Agriculture.
Brit Official Caught Some Zzz’s During Obama’s Speech
(Breitbart.tv) - Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke appears to doze off during President Obama's speech at Westminster.
Laura Ingraham Responds To Ed Schultz’s Apology
(By Alex Alvarez, Mediaite) - Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham took a little time out of her show today to respond to Ed Schultz’s apology for having called her a crude name on the radio. As it turns out, Ingraham is handling this whole thing better than most people 'covering' the story.
For one, she doesn’t see this situation as a big deal, particularly in light of other, more heart-wrenching news items, like the devastation in the Midwest. And, she admits, she has a fairly thick skin...
Laura Ingraham: "…The more vile the thing that is said about me, the less is affects me. It doesn’t bother me at all! I heard about it yesterday during the show; I thought so little about it, I didn’t even mention it yesterday. I heard it before the show started, someone had emailed the website about it. And Ed Schultz said something on a show about me that was not all that nice, to say the least, it was pretty crude. And he apologized and I accept his apology."
For one, she doesn’t see this situation as a big deal, particularly in light of other, more heart-wrenching news items, like the devastation in the Midwest. And, she admits, she has a fairly thick skin...
Laura Ingraham: "…The more vile the thing that is said about me, the less is affects me. It doesn’t bother me at all! I heard about it yesterday during the show; I thought so little about it, I didn’t even mention it yesterday. I heard it before the show started, someone had emailed the website about it. And Ed Schultz said something on a show about me that was not all that nice, to say the least, it was pretty crude. And he apologized and I accept his apology."
Former Clinton Adviser Storms Off The Set During Heated Medicare Debate On Fox News
(By Matt Schneider, Mediaite) - Has Democratic criticism of Congressman Paul Ryan’s plan to reform Medicare been fear-mongering? In a fiery debate between former advisor to President Bill Clinton, Simon Rosenberg and conservative talk show host Ben Ferguson, the discussion got a bit too heated (or rude, depending on your perspective) for Rosenberg and he promptly removed his microphone and bailed during the segment.
See A Sneak Peek of Sarah Palin‘s New Documentary ’The Undefeated’
(By Jonathon M. Seidl, The Blaze) - On TV last night, Sean Hannity gave a sneak peek of the new Sarah Palin documentary that details her time in Alaska and her political career. It’s called “The Undefeated,” and it’s set to premiere in Iowa in June. That’s important because the time and place of release has many speculating it could kick of a 2012 presidential run.
The clip from Hannity isn’t necessarily ground-breaking. It shows how she took on some of the big oil companies in Alaska. But even though there aren’t fireworks, it does offer a glimpse into the tone of the film, which appears to be a defense of her political career. It’s the type of tone she would need to set if she plans on running for president.
The clip from Hannity isn’t necessarily ground-breaking. It shows how she took on some of the big oil companies in Alaska. But even though there aren’t fireworks, it does offer a glimpse into the tone of the film, which appears to be a defense of her political career. It’s the type of tone she would need to set if she plans on running for president.
New Stokes county budget calls for four-cent tax increase; county workers could be laid off
(By Leslie Bray, The Stokes News) - “Survival during difficult economic times.” When Interim County Manager Rick Morris announced this as the theme for the Stokes County Fiscal Year (FY) 2011-12 budget-making process, he wasn’t kidding.
Due to lower county revenues, the upcoming cessation of state Hold Harmless funds, increased expenses and the general economic slump, the proposed budget for next FY is a tight one. It includes the layoff of some county employees and a four-cent ad valorem tax increase, as well as a reduction in some county services.
Morris presented his proposed budget to the Stokes County Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting on Monday, May 23, at 6 p.m. He stated: “This is a conservative, low-risk budget recommendation that is designed to re-baseline the county’s operations costs during 2011 and 2012.”
Due to lower county revenues, the upcoming cessation of state Hold Harmless funds, increased expenses and the general economic slump, the proposed budget for next FY is a tight one. It includes the layoff of some county employees and a four-cent ad valorem tax increase, as well as a reduction in some county services.
Morris presented his proposed budget to the Stokes County Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting on Monday, May 23, at 6 p.m. He stated: “This is a conservative, low-risk budget recommendation that is designed to re-baseline the county’s operations costs during 2011 and 2012.”
Harry Reid: ‘Not in Favor of Changing Medicare’ Despite $24.6 Trillion in Liabilities
(CNSNews.com) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Democrats were not willing to change Medicare despite the fact that the program has an estimated $24.6 trillion in unfunded liabilities – the amount of money the government is obligated to pay, above what it gets in tax revenue, to honor future benefits under the Medicare program.
Scotty McCreery Crowned ‘Idol’ Winner
(Breitbart.tv) - Scotty McCreery won the "American Idol" battle of the fresh-faced country crooners Wednesday, pulling more of a record 122 million-plus viewer votes than competitor Lauren Alaina.
War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Arrested in Serbia
(Breitbart.tv) - Ratko Mladic, former Bosnian Serb commander who's been on the run for many years, has been arrested in Serbia, according to an announcement from the country's president.
Looking Back on 25 Years of ‘Oprah’
(Breitbart.tv) - The AP's Alicia Quarles and Frazier Moore reflect on 25 years of "The Oprah Winfrey Show."
Bill Clinton to Paul Ryan on Medicare Election: ‘Give me a Call’
(By Jonathan Karl, The Note) - The day after the stunning upset in the special congressional election in upstate New York, Rep. Paul Ryan is a man under fire.
But ABC News was behind the scenes with the Wisconsin Congressman and GOP Budget Committee Chairman when he got some words of encouragement none other than former President Bill Clinton.
"So anyway, I told them before you got here, I said I’m glad we won this race in New York," Clinton told Ryan, when the two met backstage at a forum on the national debt held by the Pete Peterson Foundation. But he added, “I hope Democrats don't use this as an excuse to do nothing.”
Ryan told Clinton he fears that now nothing will get done in Washington.
“My guess is it’s going to sink into paralysis is what’s going to happen. And you know the math. It’s just, I mean, we knew we were putting ourselves out there. You gotta start this. You gotta get out there. You gotta get this thing moving,” Ryan said.
Clinton told Ryan that if he ever wanted to talk about it, he should “give me a call.” Ryan said he would.
But ABC News was behind the scenes with the Wisconsin Congressman and GOP Budget Committee Chairman when he got some words of encouragement none other than former President Bill Clinton.
"So anyway, I told them before you got here, I said I’m glad we won this race in New York," Clinton told Ryan, when the two met backstage at a forum on the national debt held by the Pete Peterson Foundation. But he added, “I hope Democrats don't use this as an excuse to do nothing.”
Ryan told Clinton he fears that now nothing will get done in Washington.
“My guess is it’s going to sink into paralysis is what’s going to happen. And you know the math. It’s just, I mean, we knew we were putting ourselves out there. You gotta start this. You gotta get out there. You gotta get this thing moving,” Ryan said.
Clinton told Ryan that if he ever wanted to talk about it, he should “give me a call.” Ryan said he would.
Racism to blame for Obama's problems, key Democrat says
WASHINGTON (By James Rosen, McClatchy Newspapers) — House Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn, the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, on Wednesday blamed most of President Barack Obama's political problems on racism.
Clyburn, who's from South Carolina and is a close ally of the president, offered his views in response to a question about Obama's re-election prospects next year.
"I think they're improving every day," Clyburn said. "I think the president has been a good president, a great commander in chief."
Related Material...
Clyburn, who's from South Carolina and is a close ally of the president, offered his views in response to a question about Obama's re-election prospects next year.
"I think they're improving every day," Clyburn said. "I think the president has been a good president, a great commander in chief."
Related Material...
- (By Allahpundit, Hot Air) - James Clyburn: Obama’s political problems are due “in large measure” to racism
Charles Krauthammer Warns Medicare Will ‘Sink’ Republicans If Conservative Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) Doesn’t Take The Helm
(By Frances Martel, Mediaite) - The special election defeat last night in New York’s 26th Congressional District has been widely interpreted as a referendum on Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal and, furthermore, his proposal of cutting Medicare specifically. And, surely, the Senate voted down the Ryan budget 57-40 today. On [last night's] 'Special Report', Charles Krauthammer argued that, as much as this appears a sign for Republicans to retreat, now more than ever they needed Rep. Ryan to stand by his bill.
MSNBC's Ed Schultz Apologizes On 'The Ed Show' For Calling Laura Ingraham A ‘Right-Wing Slut’
(By Tommy Christopher, Mediaite) - MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, suspended by MSNBC Wednesday evening for calling conservative radio host Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut” on his nationally syndicated radio show, addressed his comments on the final 'Ed Show' episode before beginning what was to be week-long suspension. In a remarkably fulsome and sincere apology, though, Schultz announced that he was taking himself off the air for an “indefinite” period.
Related Material...
Related Material...
- (By Allahpundit, Hot Air) - Ed Schultz off the air at MSNBC for a week for calling Laura Ingraham a “slut”; Video: Schultz apologizes
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
This Exists: NZ Man Turned Into ‘Human Balloon’ After Compressed Air Hose Pierces Buttock
(By Jon Bershad, Mediaite) - Whoa. Cartoons are real.
For proof, check out the awful ordeal that befell New Zealand truck driver Steven McCormack. McCormack fell and broke a compressed air hose for his truck’s brakes and part of it, in the Associated Press’ words, “pierced his left buttock.” The hose then began to fill his body up with air.
For proof, check out the awful ordeal that befell New Zealand truck driver Steven McCormack. McCormack fell and broke a compressed air hose for his truck’s brakes and part of it, in the Associated Press’ words, “pierced his left buttock.” The hose then began to fill his body up with air.
Rush Limbaugh Rails Obama On Toast Flub: ‘I’m Tired Of People Making Excuses For These People’
(By Jon Bershad, Mediaite) - Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh asserted that President Obama would much rather speak to “monarchs” than regular audiences in America. However, one of Obama’s most recent regal meetings didn’t really go as planned as he awkwardly flubbed his toast to the Queen of England. This was perfect Limbaugh fodder as the radio host began going through every excruciating second of the clip with the fine toothed comb of a conspiracy theorist watching the Zapruder film.
Rush Limbaugh: “See? ‘Queen botched it.’ ‘Queen should have understood what was going on. ‘Obama was poorly briefed.’ I’m tired of people making excuses for these people. It’s everybody else’s fault but the Obamas, the worldly, sophisticated Obamas.”
Rush Limbaugh: “See? ‘Queen botched it.’ ‘Queen should have understood what was going on. ‘Obama was poorly briefed.’ I’m tired of people making excuses for these people. It’s everybody else’s fault but the Obamas, the worldly, sophisticated Obamas.”
Judge Andrew Napolitano: I Don’t See How John Edwards Avoids Jail Time
(By Matt Schneider, Mediaite) - Judge Andrew Napolitano spoke with Martha MacCallum earlier today about the developments in the criminal case against former presidential candidate John Edwards. MacCallum described it as an “incredible fall from grace” and the Judge felt that the government’s case is so strong, regardless of a plea or trial, Edwards is likely to be behind bars for at least some time.
Andrew Napolitano: “He’s facing two five-year charges. The evidence of guilt on both is overwhelming. He’s facing ten years in jail. In our federal system you serve 85% of the time. You’re talking eight and a half years in jail for someone who ran for President twice.”
Andrew Napolitano: “He’s facing two five-year charges. The evidence of guilt on both is overwhelming. He’s facing ten years in jail. In our federal system you serve 85% of the time. You’re talking eight and a half years in jail for someone who ran for President twice.”
Too Far: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham A ‘Right-Wing Slut’
(By Jon Bershad, Mediaite) - Yeah. Apparently Ed Schultz has forgotten that he’s not on 'Saturday Night Live'. And that it isn’t 1978. Yesterday on his radio show, Schultz decided to call Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut.” Now, before you get all up in arms, Schultz did clarify his statement. He followed it by calling her a “talk slut.” That’s better, right? No.
Ed Schultz: “And what do the Republicans thinking about? They’re not thinking about their next-door neighbor. They’re just thinking about how much this is going to cost. President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about, like this right-wing slut, what’s her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas. But now that Obama’s doing it, they’re working him over.”
Ed Schultz: “And what do the Republicans thinking about? They’re not thinking about their next-door neighbor. They’re just thinking about how much this is going to cost. President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about, like this right-wing slut, what’s her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas. But now that Obama’s doing it, they’re working him over.”
NASCAR Star Kyle Busch Busted for Speeding in North Carolina
STATESVILLE, NC (FoxNews.com) - NASCAR driver Kyle Busch was clocked by a North Carolina sheriff's deputy going 128 mph in a 45 mph zone and was cited for careless and reckless driving and speeding, a law enforcement spokesman said Tuesday.
Iredell County Sheriff's Office Capt. Darren Campbell said a deputy stopped Busch's 2012 yellow Lexus sports car on a road between Troutman and Mooresville, where the 26-year-old driver lives. It's about 30 miles north of Charlotte.
Campbell said Busch was cited and released upon a written promise to appear in court.
Iredell County Sheriff's Office Capt. Darren Campbell said a deputy stopped Busch's 2012 yellow Lexus sports car on a road between Troutman and Mooresville, where the 26-year-old driver lives. It's about 30 miles north of Charlotte.
Campbell said Busch was cited and released upon a written promise to appear in court.
Neil Armstrong: Obama killing off U.S. space program...
Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy?
(By Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Gene Cernan, USATODAY.com) - Was President Kennedy a dreamer, a visionary, or simply politically astute? We may never know, but he had the courage to make that bold proposal 50 years ago Wednesday. The Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin had completed an orbit of the Earth the previous month and electrified the world. The United States had taken only one human, Alan Shepard, above 100 miles altitude and none into orbit. Americans, embarrassed by the successes of our Cold War adversary, were eager to demonstrate that we too were capable of great achievements in space.
President Kennedy called in the leaders of the nascent National Aeronautics and Space Administration for their opinion on any space goal that Uncle Sam could win. They concluded that the only possibility was a manned lunar landing, and that would include all the principal elements of human space travel.
The president decided this was the right project, the right time, and the Americans were the right people.
(By Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Gene Cernan, USATODAY.com) - Was President Kennedy a dreamer, a visionary, or simply politically astute? We may never know, but he had the courage to make that bold proposal 50 years ago Wednesday. The Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin had completed an orbit of the Earth the previous month and electrified the world. The United States had taken only one human, Alan Shepard, above 100 miles altitude and none into orbit. Americans, embarrassed by the successes of our Cold War adversary, were eager to demonstrate that we too were capable of great achievements in space.
President Kennedy called in the leaders of the nascent National Aeronautics and Space Administration for their opinion on any space goal that Uncle Sam could win. They concluded that the only possibility was a manned lunar landing, and that would include all the principal elements of human space travel.
The president decided this was the right project, the right time, and the Americans were the right people.
British Newspaper Blasted Bush's Etiquette Flub, but Glosses Over Obama's
(Update: The Associated Press, describing Obama's toast to the queen as a "blooper," reported that Obama on Wednesday made light of speaking over the British national anthem. Obama told British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg that the orchestra provided a soundtrack to his closing passage, while Clegg — who was at the dinner — told Obama the music had added "a crescendo" to his words.)
(CNSNews.com) - Imagine the newspaper headlines if President George W. Bush had written the wrong date in the Westminster Abbey guest book; or if he had continued toasting the Queen of England after the British national anthem started playing.
Obama did both of those things on Tuesday, and while media outlets reported the incidents, there was no suggestion that he is a blundering fool.
"Doesn’t Obama know what year it is? President signs Westminster Abbey guestbook 2008!" said the headline in the 'Daily Mail online'. The subhead read: "Orchestra also accidentally starts playing National Anthem over Obama as he toasts Queen after misunderstanding a pause from the President."
(CNSNews.com) - Imagine the newspaper headlines if President George W. Bush had written the wrong date in the Westminster Abbey guest book; or if he had continued toasting the Queen of England after the British national anthem started playing.
Obama did both of those things on Tuesday, and while media outlets reported the incidents, there was no suggestion that he is a blundering fool.
"Doesn’t Obama know what year it is? President signs Westminster Abbey guestbook 2008!" said the headline in the 'Daily Mail online'. The subhead read: "Orchestra also accidentally starts playing National Anthem over Obama as he toasts Queen after misunderstanding a pause from the President."
State Bill Would Restrict Use of Tanning Beds
Bill would require kids under 18 to have prescription
RALEIGH, N.C. (WGHP) - State lawmakers are considering a bill that would require anyone under the age of 18 to have a doctor's prescription before using a tanning bed.
The bill, which was approved by the state Senate Health Car Committee, must make its way through other committees before a vote, according to the 'Fayetteville Observer'.
Under the current law, children between the ages of 13 and 17 can use tanning beds with parental permission. Children under 13 are required to have a prescription.
RALEIGH, N.C. (WGHP) - State lawmakers are considering a bill that would require anyone under the age of 18 to have a doctor's prescription before using a tanning bed.
The bill, which was approved by the state Senate Health Car Committee, must make its way through other committees before a vote, according to the 'Fayetteville Observer'.
Under the current law, children between the ages of 13 and 17 can use tanning beds with parental permission. Children under 13 are required to have a prescription.
Even With Compromise, State Health Plan Faces Bankruptcy
State eventually may dump employees into federal health care program
RALEIGH (By Sara Burrows, Carolina Journal Online) — North Carolina state employees soon will have to pitch in a bit more for their health insurance, but that won’t be enough to save the State Health Plan For Teachers and State Employees from insolvency, says one budget expert.
In an effort to salvage the program, which faces a $30 billion unfunded liability, Senate Republicans in March introduced a Senate Bill 265, putting the state health plan under the control of the state treasurer and requiring state employees to pay a monthly premium for health insurance. Gov. Bev Perdue vetoed the bill, calling it a pay cut for teachers and other state employees.
Republicans then introduced and passed a second bill, Senate Bill 323, delaying the monthly premium for some employees for a year or so. Perdue is expected to sign the bill anytime now.
RALEIGH (By Sara Burrows, Carolina Journal Online) — North Carolina state employees soon will have to pitch in a bit more for their health insurance, but that won’t be enough to save the State Health Plan For Teachers and State Employees from insolvency, says one budget expert.
In an effort to salvage the program, which faces a $30 billion unfunded liability, Senate Republicans in March introduced a Senate Bill 265, putting the state health plan under the control of the state treasurer and requiring state employees to pay a monthly premium for health insurance. Gov. Bev Perdue vetoed the bill, calling it a pay cut for teachers and other state employees.
Republicans then introduced and passed a second bill, Senate Bill 323, delaying the monthly premium for some employees for a year or so. Perdue is expected to sign the bill anytime now.
Gov Rick Perry (R-TX): Lack of Security at Texas-Mexico Border a 'National Disgrace,' Some Illegals Have 'Very Close Ties to Al Qaeda'
John Edwards: U.S. Green-Lights Prosecution for Alleged Campaign Law Violations Tied to Affair Cover-Up
(By James Hill, ABC News) - The United States Department of Justice has green-lighted the prosecution of former presidential candidate John Edwards for alleged violations of campaign laws while he tried to cover up an extra-marital affair, ABC News has learned.
A source close to the case said Edwards is aware that the government intends to seek an indictment and that the former senator from North Carolina is now considering his limited options. He could accept a plea bargain with prosecutors or face a potentially costly trial.
Edwards has been the focus of a lengthy federal investigation focusing on hundreds of thousands of dollars allegedly provided by two wealthy supporters. The government will contend those were illegal donations that ultimately went to support and seclude his mistress, Rielle Hunter.
President Obama Botches Toast To Queen Elizabeth
Awkward Moment During Obama Toast to Queen
(By Jake Tapper, Political Punch) - The president and the orchestra at Buckingham Palace this evening were a bit out of synch.
When the president toasted the Queen the orchestra misunderstood a pause and what seemed to be a cue from the president for “God Save the Queen” to begin playing.
“Ladies and gentlemen please stand with me and raise your glasses as I propose a toast,” the president said, putting down his note cards and grabbing his glass. “To her majesty the Queen.”
The president paused, the guests stood, and the orchestra prepared to play.
But the president wasn’t done speaking.
“The vitality –“ the president said before the orchestra began.
Then the familiar tune – you might know it better as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” – started up.
(By Jake Tapper, Political Punch) - The president and the orchestra at Buckingham Palace this evening were a bit out of synch.
When the president toasted the Queen the orchestra misunderstood a pause and what seemed to be a cue from the president for “God Save the Queen” to begin playing.
“Ladies and gentlemen please stand with me and raise your glasses as I propose a toast,” the president said, putting down his note cards and grabbing his glass. “To her majesty the Queen.”
The president paused, the guests stood, and the orchestra prepared to play.
But the president wasn’t done speaking.
“The vitality –“ the president said before the orchestra began.
Then the familiar tune – you might know it better as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” – started up.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The WWE’s Video Tribute To “Macho Man” Randy Savage Is Predictably Great
(By Dan Fogarty, SportsGrid) - There’s something cognitively dissonant yet strangely emotional about seeing a tribute video for a man in a sequined robe with ski goggles on while somber acoustic music plays in the background. But if the following tribute video for “Macho Man” Randy Savage doesn’t leave you at least a 'little' dusty-eyed, then you, sir or madam, are not someone I would like to know.
Watch George W. Bush Almost Get Hit By A Foul Ball Last Night
(By Dan Fogarty, SportsGrid) - Former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, were in the midst of a presumably lovely evening at last night’s Rangers-White Sox game.
That was until an Adrian Beltre foul ball careened dangerously close to 43 (who looked like he had absolutely no intention of moving out of the way), and White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski almost fell into his lap trying to catch it.
That was until an Adrian Beltre foul ball careened dangerously close to 43 (who looked like he had absolutely no intention of moving out of the way), and White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski almost fell into his lap trying to catch it.
VIDEO: Foul ball lands near President Bush: MyFoxORLANDO.com
Laura Ingraham Disturbed By Obama’s ‘Tone-Deafness’ In Drinking Guinness During Missouri Devastation
(By Matt Schneider, Mediaite) - Laura Ingraham appeared on 'Fox & Friends' and suggested “I don’t want to make too much of this,” before expressing her unhappiness with President Obama’s European tour and how he took the time to enjoy drinking a Guinness in Ireland. Ingraham wondered “what would the liberal press be saying if this were President Bush” not being sensitive to a natural disaster at home?
Laura Ingraham: “I do think of the disconnect and maybe the tone-deafness, if you will, of that devastation from Missouri. Heart-breaking pictures and then President Obama lifting the glass of Guinness. There’s something about that, that I think hits people in the gut. . . . Maybe the Irish part of the trip could have been put off to another day.”
Laura Ingraham: “I do think of the disconnect and maybe the tone-deafness, if you will, of that devastation from Missouri. Heart-breaking pictures and then President Obama lifting the glass of Guinness. There’s something about that, that I think hits people in the gut. . . . Maybe the Irish part of the trip could have been put off to another day.”
President Obama Has No Idea What Year It Is
(Daily Intel) - This is how President Obama signed the guestbook at Westminster Abbey earlier today, where he got a tour from the Very Reverend Dr. John Hall and laid a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.
It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice.
Barack Obama
24 May 2008
Related Material...
- (By Allahpundit, Hot Air) - The obligatory “Obama thinks it’s still 2008″ post
Restaurant Owner Claims His Business Has Tripled Since Posting ‘English Only’ Sign
(By Billy Hallowell, The Blaze) - Greg Simons, the owner of Reedy Creek Diner in North Carolina, became frustrated over his inability to communicate with non-English speaking customers. So, he took a controversial step: He posted an ‘English Only’ sign. Simons claims that the results have been unbelievable. He’s received support and acclaim from people across the nation. And, his business has been surging. Watch his explanation, below:
Obama wrong on Israel, says … Harry Reid?
(By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air) - If Barack Obama got stung by a lecture from Benjamin Netanyahu last week after publicly insisting on using the 1967 borders as a demarcation for a future Palestinian state, at least he expected the leader of Israel to scold him over the demand. He probably didn’t expect one from Harry Reid. Hours after Obama’s attempt to backpedal at AIPAC from Thursday’s speech, Reid denounced even the concept of issuing demands in speeches and declared that only negotiations between the parties could create mutually defensible borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state. Reid even managed to sound angry about it:
KISS Rocker Gene Simmons Slams Obama Over Israel Policy
(By Katie Pavlich, Townhall.com) - KISS Rocker Gene Simmons, who was born in Israel, is far from impressed with President Obama's calls for the Jewish State to go back to its 1967 borders, (Obama defended his position once again [last Sunday] during a speech given at the AIPAC Conference in Washington D.C.) which would give the terrorist organization Hamas more control over the area while leaving the tiny country indefensible. Simmons also tore apart the United Nations, calling it the "most pathetic body on the face of the earth," "garbage infested," and even defended a person's right to defend themselves.
Gene Simmons: "President Obama, and I voted for an idea. What I didn't realize what I was getting was an idealist. ... How about you (Obama) live there and try to defend an indefensible border 9 miles wide. On one side you've got hundreds of millions of people who hate your guts, on the other you've got the Mediterrean. ... He (Obama) has no *expletive* idea what the world is like because he doesn't have to live there."
Gene Simmons: "President Obama, and I voted for an idea. What I didn't realize what I was getting was an idealist. ... How about you (Obama) live there and try to defend an indefensible border 9 miles wide. On one side you've got hundreds of millions of people who hate your guts, on the other you've got the Mediterrean. ... He (Obama) has no *expletive* idea what the world is like because he doesn't have to live there."
Dick Trumka: Electoral Process 'Broken' by Supreme Court in Citizens United Campaign Finance Case
(By Joe Schoffstall, MRC TV) - While speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said that the U.S. electoral process has been broken by the Supreme Court with its ruling in the Citizens United campaign finance case.
MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan a 'Death Certificate' for Republicans
(By Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters.org) - Remember all that talk four months ago in the wake of the Tucson shootings that political commentators needed to tone down their rhetoric?
MSNBC's Chris Matthews certainly doesn't, for on Monday's "Hardball," he called Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) Medicare plan a 'killer politically" and a "death certificate" for Republicans:
MSNBC's Chris Matthews certainly doesn't, for on Monday's "Hardball," he called Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) Medicare plan a 'killer politically" and a "death certificate" for Republicans:
Dunkin' Donuts 'rampage' caught on video... as mob of two dozen young people cause more than $2,000 in damage
(UK Mail Online) - In perhaps the ultimate sugar high, nearly two dozen young people allegedly mobbed a Dunkin' Donuts in an historic district of New York City, 'terrorizing' employees and making off with sweets and drinks.
The 'swarm mob' rampage was caught on video, with highlights posted online.
According to local news site DNAinfo.com, the mob descended on the shop just after 8 p.m. on May 16, at 75 Christopher Street in New York's Greenwich Village neighborhood.
The 'swarm mob' rampage was caught on video, with highlights posted online.
According to local news site DNAinfo.com, the mob descended on the shop just after 8 p.m. on May 16, at 75 Christopher Street in New York's Greenwich Village neighborhood.
Local News Reporter Reveals Low Self-Esteem On Air: ‘I’m Stupid’
(By Alex Alvarez, Mediaite) - “Storm Team 8″ (not to be confused with SEAL Team 6 which is, in turn, not to be confused with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) meteorologist Erica Grow is, team player that she is, also doing news reporting at WTNH. We’re not quite sure why an expert on the weather was tapped to deliver a report on an injured child at a local school, but at least Grow makes the best of it. Right?
Third Time’s A Charm: Harold Camping Says Rapture Definitely Happening On October 21
(By Frances Martel, Mediaite) - We are currently two days into the coming End of the World, and with no significant increase in death and destruction, professional Rapture prognosticator Harold Camping has some explaining to do. But no worry, he’s got a foolproof excuse for why we are all still alive: The actual physical Rapture has been postponed until October 21– the “mystical” one, however, is upon us.
Camping, who told reporters he was “flabbergasted” at still being alive after the 21st, delivered a broadcast today explaining himself.
Camping, who told reporters he was “flabbergasted” at still being alive after the 21st, delivered a broadcast today explaining himself.
Christina Hendricks: Breasts ’so obviously real’
(By Laura Donovan, The Daily Caller) - If you’ve ever gone mad wondering if voluptuous Christina Hendricks’s breasts are artificial or just the product of good genetics, the mystery is over. The “Mad Men” star explained to the Daily Mail’s You magazine that her naturally big chest has presented her with clothing challenges, but has given her something to be happy about.
“If there’s anything to be learned from me it’s that I’m learning to celebrate what I was born with, even though it’s sometimes been inconvenient,” Hendricks told the publication. “Having larger breasts has made it harder for me to shop throughout the years, but I’ve learned to love it.”
The Tennessee native added that she’s been blessed with a large bust and that anybody who suspects she’s undergone plastic surgery has had limited encounters with bosoms.
“If there’s anything to be learned from me it’s that I’m learning to celebrate what I was born with, even though it’s sometimes been inconvenient,” Hendricks told the publication. “Having larger breasts has made it harder for me to shop throughout the years, but I’ve learned to love it.”
The Tennessee native added that she’s been blessed with a large bust and that anybody who suspects she’s undergone plastic surgery has had limited encounters with bosoms.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Minneapolis Schools Ban Chocolate Milk
Citing health concerns, Minneapolis public schools drop the dark-drink option.
(StarTribune.com) - Chocolate milk might be the most popular choice for school lunch -- not to mention milk bubbles and milk mustaches. But soon it will be no choice at all in Minneapolis public schools.
Starting with summer school, the district is eliminating chocolate milk as a lunch option to reduce the calories and sugar that students consume.
The administrative decision follows elimination of French fries from high school menus last year and a switch from breaded chicken patties to grilled chicken filets this year.
(StarTribune.com) - Chocolate milk might be the most popular choice for school lunch -- not to mention milk bubbles and milk mustaches. But soon it will be no choice at all in Minneapolis public schools.
Starting with summer school, the district is eliminating chocolate milk as a lunch option to reduce the calories and sugar that students consume.
The administrative decision follows elimination of French fries from high school menus last year and a switch from breaded chicken patties to grilled chicken filets this year.
Newt Gingrich On Tiffany's Account: Obama Could Learn From My "Fiscal Responsibility"
Newt Gingrich: "I owe no personal debts, none. Of course I paid off our house, we paid off our cars, we run four small businesses, we happen to be successful. We reported accurately what we were doing, it's all after tax income, none of it isn't publicly known. If Obama followed our pattern on fiscal responsibility the United States would currently be running a surplus and buying back debt from the Chinese."
Conservative Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) Addresses Newt Gingrich Controversy
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
(Real Clear Politics) - Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Gingrich: "His quote was deeply inaccurate.”
"It’s a gross mischaracterization of the House budget plan," he added.
Watch: President Obama’s Limo Gets Stuck Exiting US Embassy
(By Jon Bershad, Mediaite) - The Obamas have begun a six-day tour of Europe today with a stop in Ireland and already you can see the foreign media just lining up to take snippy shots at them. I mean, just look at this headline from 'The Daily Mail' where they make fun of the First Lady’s hair getting blown in the wind. God, how petty can you be? Don’t you think we can actually cover important stuff like what being discussed during these – wait, what’s that? Obama’s armored car got caught on a ramp trying to leave the US embassy in Dublin? And there’s video? Ok, forget everything I just said, that’s hilarious!
Joplin, Mo., slammed by twister; at least 89 dead
Death toll expected to rise after massive tornado tears through southwest Missouri; "It cut the city in half," official says
JOPLIN, Mo. (CBS/AP) - A massive tornado that tore a 6-mile path across southwestern Missouri killed at least 89 people as it slammed into the city of Joplin, ripping into a hospital, crushing cars like soda cans and leaving a forest of splintered tree trunks behind where entire neighborhoods once stood.
Authorities warned that the death toll could climb as search and rescuers continued their work Monday. A thunderstorm lashed the city in the morning, hampering search and rescue efforts.
JOPLIN, Mo. (CBS/AP) - A massive tornado that tore a 6-mile path across southwestern Missouri killed at least 89 people as it slammed into the city of Joplin, ripping into a hospital, crushing cars like soda cans and leaving a forest of splintered tree trunks behind where entire neighborhoods once stood.
Authorities warned that the death toll could climb as search and rescuers continued their work Monday. A thunderstorm lashed the city in the morning, hampering search and rescue efforts.
VP Joe Biden to Democrat donors: I’m available in 2016 …
(By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air) - Barack Obama sent Joe Biden out to do some fundraising, with predictable results. Oh, Biden showed up and made his sales pitch on Obama’s behalf, but as it turns out, the President wasn’t Biden’s only client. To the surprise of some attendees, Biden asked the donors to keep some money aside for 2016, too:
He’ll be “just 70 in 2012.” That will make him 74 in 2016, which isn’t exactly spring-chicken territory, even if Biden’s performance as VP made a case for him as a presidential candidate at that point. Small wonder that Biden’s comment “caught the attention” of the donors, especially since no one asked him about his plans after Obama’s presidency.
Vice President Joe Biden surprised a gathering of donors in Cincinnati last week when he floated the prospect of his succeeding President Barack Obama in the White House.
Biden, who started in the Senate young and would be just 70 in 2012, raised the possibility unprompted during a wide-ranging conversation at the May 19 dinner with major Democratic Party donors, a source in the room said.
He’ll be “just 70 in 2012.” That will make him 74 in 2016, which isn’t exactly spring-chicken territory, even if Biden’s performance as VP made a case for him as a presidential candidate at that point. Small wonder that Biden’s comment “caught the attention” of the donors, especially since no one asked him about his plans after Obama’s presidency.
Doomsday Prophet Harold Camping Speaks Out: ‘A Really Tough Weekend’
(By Jonathon M. Seidl, The Blaze) - Harold Camping, the 89-year-old doomsday prophet who predicted the world would end this past Saturday, has been located and has issued a few words on his failed foresight. Understandably, he sounds a little depressed.
“It has been a really tough weekend,” Camping told the 'San Francisco Chronicle'.
“I’m looking for answers,” he added, explaining that he’s spending time in frequent prayer and consultations with friends.
In the end, however, he’s being tight-lipped. “But now I have nothing else to say,” he said, closing his door on the Chronicle. “I’ll be back to work Monday and will say more then.”
You can bet there will be a lot of people listening.
“It has been a really tough weekend,” Camping told the 'San Francisco Chronicle'.
“I’m looking for answers,” he added, explaining that he’s spending time in frequent prayer and consultations with friends.
In the end, however, he’s being tight-lipped. “But now I have nothing else to say,” he said, closing his door on the Chronicle. “I’ll be back to work Monday and will say more then.”
You can bet there will be a lot of people listening.
Charles Krauthammer to PBS's Mark Shields: 'You Want GOP Nominee Who's a Squish and Then You’ll Vote Against Him Anyway'
(By Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters.org) - PBS's Mark Shields on Friday advanced the typical liberal media line that there's a danger to the GOP if it nominates a presidential candidate that is too conservative.
When he finished, his "Inside Washington" co-panelist Charles Krauthammer marvelously responded, "What Mark wants is a Republican nominee who is a squish and then he’ll vote against him anyway."
When he finished, his "Inside Washington" co-panelist Charles Krauthammer marvelously responded, "What Mark wants is a Republican nominee who is a squish and then he’ll vote against him anyway."
Inside the Schwarzenegger-Shriver Marriage
(By Martin Gould, Newsmax.com) - The news that Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a mistress while married to Maria Shriver should have come as a surprise to no one, best-selling Kennedy family expert Laurence Leamer says.
“He just had this pattern in his life, to get away with almost anything,” Leamer tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. “It wasn’t just sex, he was always living on the edge.”
And Leamer says there are almost certainly other women waiting in the wings who will come forward with tales of their affairs with the admitted-steroid-using-bodybuilder/he-man-actor/California-governor.
“He just had this pattern in his life, to get away with almost anything,” Leamer tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. “It wasn’t just sex, he was always living on the edge.”
And Leamer says there are almost certainly other women waiting in the wings who will come forward with tales of their affairs with the admitted-steroid-using-bodybuilder/he-man-actor/California-governor.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Macho Man Randy Savage Dies In Car Accident
(TMZ) - Macho Man Randy Savage - one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time - died today in a car accident in Tampa, Florida ... TMZ has learned.
TMZ spoke with Randy's brother, Lanny Poffo, who tells us the wrestling legend suffered a heart attack while he was behind the wheel around 9:25 AM ... and lost control of his vehicle.
Earlier this month, Savage celebrated his 1-year anniversary with his new wife Lynn.
Savage was 58.
Simona De Silvestro Injured During Indy 500 Practice Run
(Breitbart.tv) - Swiss driver Simona De Silvestro burned both hands during a crash at an Indy 500 practice Thursday, threatening her participation in qualifying Saturday and Sunday.
Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic
(Breitbart.tv) - The Hollywood actor appeared on "Hannity" to discuss why so many of his colleagues tend to be liberal. After this, he might not be let back in the club.
Is President Obama About to Break the Law?
(By Jake Tapper, Political Punch) - From the beginning of the U.S. military intervention in Libya, the Obama administration has cited the 1973 War Powers Act as the legal basis of its ability to conduct military activities for 60 days without first seeking a declaration of war from Congress.
The military intervention started on March 19; Congress was notified on March 21.
Those 60 days expire tomorrow.
The military intervention started on March 19; Congress was notified on March 21.
Those 60 days expire tomorrow.
N.C. sheriff blames cheese for false drug test
ASHEVILLE (Winston-Salem Journal) - An enzyme found in cheese triggered false drug test results that led Buncombe County deputies to think a man with 91 pounds of tortilla dough was actually carrying that much cocaine, the sheriff said.
Antonio Hernandez spent four days in jail in Asheville this month before tests by a state lab came back showing he was carrying food instead of drugs.
A deputy stopped Hernandez on May 1 and found what turned out to be a mix of cheese, shrimp and tortilla and tamale dough in his truck. A portable kit used by deputies changed colors, indicating the mixture was illegal drugs.
Antonio Hernandez spent four days in jail in Asheville this month before tests by a state lab came back showing he was carrying food instead of drugs.
A deputy stopped Hernandez on May 1 and found what turned out to be a mix of cheese, shrimp and tortilla and tamale dough in his truck. A portable kit used by deputies changed colors, indicating the mixture was illegal drugs.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Dick Durbin, Tom Coburn clash sparked Gang of 6 breakup
(By Manu Raju, POLITICO.com) - On Monday evening in Sen. Mark Warner’s office in the Russell Building, tensions finally boiled over between Majority Whip Dick Durbin and Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn.
The spat over a deficit-reduction package had been building for weeks, and Coburn had grown frustrated that the Gang of Six wouldn’t get specific enough about where it would cut domestic spending — and he wanted some $130 billion more in cuts out of Medicare.
Believing that the demands were unreasonable, an irritated Durbin engaged in what one source said was a “loud and passionate” argument with the combative conservative Republican, prompting the Illinois Democrat to ultimately tell Coburn that they had reached an “impasse.” Coburn said he slept on it and called Durbin the next morning to tell him, “You’re right.”
Related Material...
The spat over a deficit-reduction package had been building for weeks, and Coburn had grown frustrated that the Gang of Six wouldn’t get specific enough about where it would cut domestic spending — and he wanted some $130 billion more in cuts out of Medicare.
Believing that the demands were unreasonable, an irritated Durbin engaged in what one source said was a “loud and passionate” argument with the combative conservative Republican, prompting the Illinois Democrat to ultimately tell Coburn that they had reached an “impasse.” Coburn said he slept on it and called Durbin the next morning to tell him, “You’re right.”
Related Material...
- (By Ed Morrissey, Hot Air) - Coburn: We have to raise taxes in order to pass spending cuts
Stunning Time-Lapse Videos: Man Captures Trees, Flowers Coming to Life
(By Jonathon M. Seidl, The Blaze) - Neil Bromhall runs an obscure, niche website in the UK. It’s called Right Plants 4 Me, and it’s a “plant identification guide and pruning encyclopedia.” Most people who aren‘t into the nerdy details of gardening won’t care about the database. That is until they realize what else Neil Bromhall does. He takes time-lapse videos of plants. And they’re stunning.
On his YouTube channel, Bromhall has 188 videos posted. They show everything from beans sprouting, to trees flowering, to worms eating away at compost. Now that may not sound interesting, but it makes for some incredible videos. Below are a few of them.
This is an acorn going from seed to tree over the course of 8 months:
On his YouTube channel, Bromhall has 188 videos posted. They show everything from beans sprouting, to trees flowering, to worms eating away at compost. Now that may not sound interesting, but it makes for some incredible videos. Below are a few of them.
This is an acorn going from seed to tree over the course of 8 months:
Schwarzenegger Paramour Gave Birth Within Days Of Maria Shriver Delivering Her Son
(By Mark Joyella, Mediaite) - CNN reports this morning that the son fathered by Arnold Schwarzenegger with his housekeeper was born just days after wife Maria Shriver also gave birth to a son. The network cites records obtained Wednesday, including the birth certificate for the recently-revealed boy, whose father is listed as the man married at the time to the mother, Schwarzenegger family housekeeper Mildred Patricia Baena. CNN says the couple divorced less than three weeks after the birth.
WFU president says school 'misrepresented' on 'Today Show'
('Today' Show) - Maggie Hurt, a former student at Wake Forest University, claims Gary Clark forced her to perform oral sex at a hotel during the team's NCAA Tournament appearance in 2009.
WINSTON-SALEM, NC (By Michael Hewlett, Winston-Salem Journal) - On 'The Today Show' Thursday morning, a former Wake Forest University student accused Wake Forest officials of not taking seriously her allegations that WFU basketball player Gary Clark sexually assaulted her two years ago in Miami while teammate Jeff Teague stood outside a hotel bathroom.
She was one of two former college students to be interviewed – the other one was from Indiana University.
"They broke the promise that they made to me, that they would keep me safe," said Maggie Hurt, the Wake Forest student.
Cornel West: Obama 'a black mascot' and 'black puppet'
(By Matt Viser, Boston Globe) - Cornel West, a Princeton University professor and leading black intellectual, is harshly criticizing President Obama, a candidate he once supported but now calls “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.”
West, a former Harvard University professor, said during an interview with the website Truthdig posted yesterday that the president has not been true to his race.
“I think my dear brother Barack Obama has a certain fear of free black men,” West said. “It’s understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a white context, brilliant African father, he’s always had to fear being a white man with black skin. All he has known culturally is white…When he meets an independent black brother, it is frightening.”
West, a former Harvard University professor, said during an interview with the website Truthdig posted yesterday that the president has not been true to his race.
“I think my dear brother Barack Obama has a certain fear of free black men,” West said. “It’s understandable. As a young brother who grows up in a white context, brilliant African father, he’s always had to fear being a white man with black skin. All he has known culturally is white…When he meets an independent black brother, it is frightening.”
Michigan Man Still Receiving Food Assistance Despite Winning $2 Million Jackpot
(WJBK) - A Michigan man has continued to accept food aid from the state even though he won big in a state lottery game and said he told officials about it.
Leroy Fick won the $2 million jackpot in the "Make Me Rich!" contest in June. Despite receiving about $850,000 in winnings, the Auburn resident is still using his Michigan Bridge Card, an electronic version of food stamps.
Fick's lawyer said his client hasn't done anything illegal.
Leroy Fick won the $2 million jackpot in the "Make Me Rich!" contest in June. Despite receiving about $850,000 in winnings, the Auburn resident is still using his Michigan Bridge Card, an electronic version of food stamps.
Fick's lawyer said his client hasn't done anything illegal.
Michigan Man Still Receiving Food Assistance Despite Winning $2 Million Jackpot: MyFoxDETROIT.com
Socialist Senator Sanders Hawks His Book Like an Evil Capitalist
Bernie Sanders Confronted: 'How Does an Avowed Socialist Sell a Book?'
(By Jason Mattera, Human Events) - Vermont’s Sen. Bernie Sanders is a different kind of socialist: the kind who will partake in the capitalist venture of freely exchanging money for products… at least when it comes to selling his own book.
The self-described socialist is out promoting his straight-to-paperback 'The Speech: A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class', and was eager to sign and sell copies at corporate entities like Barnes & Noble in Washington, D.C.
That’s where HUMAN EVENTS caught up with Sanders to ask him how exactly an avowed socialist squares his collectivist worldview with the fact that he’s taking a bite of the forbidden fruit of capitalism? Is he giving away his “profits” to the federal government?
(By Jason Mattera, Human Events) - Vermont’s Sen. Bernie Sanders is a different kind of socialist: the kind who will partake in the capitalist venture of freely exchanging money for products… at least when it comes to selling his own book.
The self-described socialist is out promoting his straight-to-paperback 'The Speech: A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class', and was eager to sign and sell copies at corporate entities like Barnes & Noble in Washington, D.C.
That’s where HUMAN EVENTS caught up with Sanders to ask him how exactly an avowed socialist squares his collectivist worldview with the fact that he’s taking a bite of the forbidden fruit of capitalism? Is he giving away his “profits” to the federal government?
Media Watchdog Presents Katie Couric's 'Most Biased Moments'
(CNSNews.com) - As Katie Couric hosts the CBS Evening News for the last time Thursday night, the Media Research Center has assembled ten of her "most biased moments” on the air.
UNC Basketball Signee Says Duke Cannot Spell His Name
CHATHAM, VA (WGHP) — UNC basketball signee P.J. Hairston, who is ranked the number 13 senior in the country, announced over the weekend that he will attend the University of North Carolina.
The 6-foot-4 guard forward said he decided to choose UNC over Duke in part because Duke has repeatedly misspelled his name, according to the 'Greensboro News & Record'.
"The thing about Duke was, every time they sent me a letter, they wouldn't spell my name right," Hairston said, in the paper. "They would have 'T.J. Harrison' or something like that. And I'm like, 'OK. How can I go here? You can't even spell my name right.' It's only two letters and HAIR and STON. I'm trying to figure out how that's so hard."
The 6-foot-4 guard forward said he decided to choose UNC over Duke in part because Duke has repeatedly misspelled his name, according to the 'Greensboro News & Record'.
"The thing about Duke was, every time they sent me a letter, they wouldn't spell my name right," Hairston said, in the paper. "They would have 'T.J. Harrison' or something like that. And I'm like, 'OK. How can I go here? You can't even spell my name right.' It's only two letters and HAIR and STON. I'm trying to figure out how that's so hard."
You idiot! Shamed politician John Edwards rages at mistress Rielle Hunter for not destroying sex tape
(UK Mail Online) - Furious John Edwards has allegedly vented his anger at mistress Rielle Hunter over the steamy sex video they made during his White House run.
In an amazing outburst, the shamed politician reportedly exploded after a judge ruled portions of his testimony under oath would be made public.
An insider said: 'John took his anger and frustrations out on Rielle.
In an amazing outburst, the shamed politician reportedly exploded after a judge ruled portions of his testimony under oath would be made public.
An insider said: 'John took his anger and frustrations out on Rielle.
'I've learned to respect my body': Ronald Reagan's daughter Patti Davis poses nude at 58
(By Rachel Quigley, UK Mail Online) - A former Playboy pin-up, she is no stranger to nudity.
But posing naked at 58 years old is a daring feat for anyone, even someone like Patti Davis.
The often controversial and liberal daughter of former President Ronald Reagan has appeared in More magazine in order to celebrate having a body that she is happy with and one which took so long to achieve and accept.
But posing naked at 58 years old is a daring feat for anyone, even someone like Patti Davis.
The often controversial and liberal daughter of former President Ronald Reagan has appeared in More magazine in order to celebrate having a body that she is happy with and one which took so long to achieve and accept.
New Democratic Mediscare Ad: Paul Ryan is Going to Push Grandma Off a Cliff
(By Mark Hemingway, The Weekly Standard) - It's the subtlety here that you really have to appreciate. I mean, here is a liberal group that has total faith that Americans want to understand the issues and make informed policy choices:
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- (By Allahpundit, Hot Air) - New progressive ad: Paul Ryan literally pushes grandma off a cliff