‘Oh S***’: Meredith Vieira Drops S-Bomb During Live ‘Today’ Show Segment
"That was very realistic."
The term "bully pulpit" stems from President Theodore Roosevelt's reference to the White House as a "bully pulpit," meaning a terrific platform from which to persuasively advocate an agenda. Roosevelt often used the word "bully" as an adjective meaning superb/wonderful. The Bully Pulpit features news, reasoned discourse, opinion and some humor.
"And, I don’t imagine, given the professionalism of our partner, BP, and ... maybe partner was ... let me back up."
"We're not sure this president is ever going to nominate another African-American to the court. [Barack Obama]'s African-American. We've got someone who proposes to be African-American on the court."
"This is stunning."
“I’m not at all sure they violated the law, but I do believe that there was no underlying merit to the transaction and that’s what I think we need to look at.”
“All of this talk from Republicans about wanting to do something about this bill before it gets on the floor is really anti-Senate and anti-American.”
"Elizabeth really wanted him to do that interview. She wanted him to say, you know, you've got to get out in front of it. You've got to, you know, say the truth and speak the truth. And she didn't know the truth. So it's like you can't do the interview and not speak the whole truth."
"The laws that have been passed, they are Nazi laws. They are not considering humanity. They are a crime against humanity."
"When someone makes a claim that is somewhat ridiculous we should test it out to see if it's true or not."
"I basically almost right out of graduate school came and worked as a very junior public servant at the Treasury and spent my entire professional life since in some form of policy job."
"Well, you can see the enthusiasm out there. And people are here to really tell big government that we want big government to make big decisions about the most important problems we face. And also to pressure our corporations to behave properly, as consumers, but we're here to -- we're asking for big government, basically."
"The developing world has been told that it's necessary to give up freedom in order to achieve progress. Nothing could be further from the truth. Freedom and economic advance go hand in hand; they are two sides of the same coin. The mainspring of human progress is found not in controlling and harnessing human energy but in setting it free. The most valuable resource is not oil or precious metals or even territory; it's the infinite richness of human potential. The creative genius and diligence unleashed when people are free and working to improve their lot and that of their families is the greatest force for good on this planet."
Ronald Reagan
"It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again."
"What matters is what the policy is that we put forth here. And our policy, regardless of contribution, is to rein in Wall Street."
"You know, I know that there's been a lot of talk around town lately about the value-added tax -- that is something that has worked for some countries. It's something that would be novel -- for the United States."
(Fox News Channel) — Hear the anti-Tea Party voicemail that landed the actor on the unemployment line.
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