John Edwards' self-made wealth is only a 'negative' because nervous Republicans in search of an angle on him really need it to be.
The reason I posted it was to point out the hypocrisy of John Edwards...What exactly does he say in his 'Two Americas" speech that, upon seeing a picture and description of his exquisite home, reveals him to be a hypocrite? Seriously, I'm curious. Do you find George W. Bush's orchestrated "common man" persona hypocritical considering that he — unlike Edwards, who earned his own fortune — was born into to the wealth and prestige of an American royal family? Which is worse? Fact is, every presidential candidate is wealthy, yet must appeal to "the common man." While both Edwards and Dubya are rich, Edwards came from a common place and, arguably, has experienced life in his "two Americas."
Yes, Edwards' success story is rather uncommon, and the man is proud of where he came from. Who wouldn't be? And on the subject of work and self-sufficiency, one could say that a "Rags To Riches" president inspires the common man to be more productive than Prince Dubya's rise to the throne ever would. To Edwards' benefit, his life story allows him to more effectively empathize with his audience; Dubya, on the other hand, has had to
completely fake all that stuff. between those two, who would the biggest hypocrite in the "aw, shucks" contest?